Through these experiences, I learned some important lessons:

🌻 It’s not about how I look but how I feel inside.
🌱 Chasing a "perfect" or" "sexy" image wasn’t sustainable or true to who I am.
❤️‍🔥 I was disconnected from my true self and looking for validation in the wrong places.
One day, lying naked on a rock in nature, I felt an incredible sense of peace. I wasn’t worried about how I looked; I was simply connected to my body and the world around me. Nature showed me that true beauty and self-worth come from within and from embracing all aspects of life.

This experience taught me to appreciate myself fully and to find beauty in every stage of my journey. After working with over 300 women through boudoir photography, experiencing my own ups & downs in life and body image:

There were times when I struggled, especially when I gained weight or felt overwhelmed. It was hard to accept my own challenges with my mission to help others love their bodies. Body positivity didn’t always feel real or helpful during these tough moments.

My journey of self-love began in 2018 following a toxic relationship. Which lead me to reclaim my power and take control of my life. Along this path of self-discovery, I’ve learned to love myself, embrace my body, and connect with my voice & spirituality. Over the years, I’ve participated in several photoshoots (just for me!), as well as therapy, coaching, yoga, and meditation. These avenues have led me to a more confident, positive, aligned, and authentic lifestyle. This has inspired me to help others on their own journeys.

It also helped me accept the ups & downs of life. The seasons of my body, my thoughts & mindset.

Learning to love my body transformed many aspects of my life.

About Hannah

Connecting to nature is connecting to ourselves

Behind the sun, moon & eye

My logos are gorgeous with intention & I adore them immensely. The sun represents our life here on Earth. The light. The eye represents self. This whole experience is centered around YOU. Your own personal self love journey, and expressing who you are fully. The moon represents divine femininity. The dark. The phases. To me, this expresses embracing your feminine softness, sensuality and sexuality. Without apology.